Past Projects

Because everyone loves a good

"Before & After"

I love commissions. It keeps my life interesting and it's a privilege to work in partnership with you to bring your family heirloom (or let's be honest great eBay find) back to its full potential. Nothing gives me greater pleasure than working together to breathe it back to life. Some upholsterers let you choose your fabric and give you a timeline for delivery, which is the accepted way....Not Perch, I get too excited!  As I unearth layers of fabric, foam, hair (whatever it is) expose the bones of your piece and then rebuild it, I have to share.

 What can I promise?  

There will be photos. There will be a Lost & Found (did you ever wonder where that earring went? I will probably find it down the side of your sofa)  I will make this an experience. You aren't going down the cheap, disposable route, you are choosing to build something up again. Something that will last. For this you deserve the sharing, the caring, the story of it coming back to life. That's what I believe.  So lets make it memorable!