My dad and I, with a wardrobe he picked up for next to nothing! He refinished it and is still in their bedroom today.
How it all started…..
Perch Upholstery was established in 2015, when I committed to combining years of furniture restoration with degree training in upholstery with the AMUSF. Upon completion of my training I took another year to enhance my learning and hone my skills.
In working with one of the top tutors in the field, I've learned to take my time, pay attention to the smallest of details and treat each piece with patience and respect. It could be a new footstool or a family heirloom, every piece is considered a labour of love. I enjoy taking commissions, working to my clients vision, in both modern and traditional upholstery methods.
Growing up in small town America, I watched my family refurnish furniture, sew, crochet and knit. In fact, my sister and I spent more time than we wanted being dragged by our parents from one farm auction to another. They would refurbish their finds and I watched (and learned) over the years. I think my parents were the original "up-cyclers"
It obviously rubbed off on me, and I started refurbishing furniture 18 years ago, it started rather large, a dresser, a side table. It became brighter! I adopted Annie Sloan into the arsenal, I took up small upholstery projects (the kind that didn't require power tools) but the end result was bound to be Perch Upholstery, because this girl loves power tools!
Today, I look much like my dad did back in the day. Work overalls, tools at the ready. It is like coming full circle and I love it.
Throughout my website I have attempted to show my previous work and give you (my potential client) an idea of the quality craftsmanship you can expect from Perch Upholstery. In my shop you will find my own creative pieces. I like to take a break from the commissions every now and again and create my own original pieces. I have a great love of big, chunky yarn, so when possible I like those two worlds to collide!
Along side my yarn range, I also have retro-styled footstools with one-off, refinished dansette legs or industrial hairpins both bold in colour and British in heritage. They have that wow factor you will come to expect from Perch Upholstery. And if I have inspired you, but you don’t yet have a unique piece, check out my Couture page, its full of pieces that you can purchase today and put your own creative stamp on, making them your home’s most loved piece.